"Being the first choice and being remembered is the potential of strong brands"


be easily found – enthuse – be remembered –  be recommended – inspire – deliver strong stakeholder benefits – create experiences – win fans & followers – offer orientation – show attitude – build trust – increase company value

Corporate Brand   –   Employer Brand   –   Product Brand   –   Service Brand   –   Personal Brand

A strong brand increases the value of a company. It is far more than just a logo or a means of communication. It forms the foundation of business success and is the cornerstone of sustainably profitable growth and reputation. This is all the more true in the digital age with the mechanisms of digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI); in a globalized economy with its dependencies and supply and price transparency, in which providers from all over the world compete for the same customers and candidates; in times of crisis, in which lived values, trust and attitude are vital.

Products and services only gain their value and significance through a strong brand. It is perceived and recognized in the midst of an unmanageable variety of offers – in the real and virtual world. Strong brands open up new markets. They detach themselves from crises and price competition. They set their own benchmarks. They survive disruptive times, not by sticking to the traditional, but by remaining relevant through focused readjustment and sharpening their profile. Strong brands are strong identities, they enable identification and loyalty. They are effective because they create meaning, fascinate, stand for values and provide orientation. To remain strong, brands must be professionally created, maintained and further developed.

Brand resilience protects brands in crises, volatile markets and VUCA times (VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). Developing your own brand into a responsible brand is a necessary prerequisite for its future viability. It protects its reputation. The perception that a brand credibly assumes and fulfills responsibility goes far beyond CSR guidelines. It is essential, as more and more customers, consumers, interest groups and the public are visibly and audibly demanding responsibility.

We develop and sharpen brand profiles and identities. B2B, B2C, B2E (business-to-employee: employer brand). So that the brand becomes relevant. So that the uniqueness, attitude and values it embodies, as well as the benefits it creates, become visible and perceptible to its customers and stakeholders. So that it can have a successful impact. As studies repeatedly point out, most brands have lost their relevance: they would not be missed if they ceased to exist tomorrow.
It is essential to bear in mind that a brand is always built from the inside out. In this respect, an externally strong brand is based on a corresponding internal corporate culture.

In this context, the other drivers and guiding principles for meaningful development and growth of the company are also relevant
Purpose – Vision – Mission – Corporate Values – Value Proposition

A brand and its values must be experienced by stakeholders (internal: employees, external: customers, business partners, consumers, citizens, the general public, etc.) in order to develop their full impact. Brand experience is the experience that people have when they come into contact with a brand. At all physical and digital touchpoints. Although most organizations have already put the customer “at the center” (customer centricity), only a few succeed in creating relevant experiences from the customer’s perspective (customer experience). We support organizations with a tailor-made brand & customer experience program to successfully shape this necessary transformation, build brand strength and make it perceptible.


Reading on the topic
„Responsible Brands im digitalen Zeitalter“ in: Kommunikationsmanager 3_2019, Autor: Christine Riedmann-Streitz
„Gibt es noch Marken in der Zukunft?“ in: Kommunikationsmanager 2_2018, Autor: Christine Riedmann-Streitz
„Marken droht der digitale Burn-out“ – Gastbeitrag: Christine Riedmann-Streitz über das Customer Centricity Paradox in: HORIZONT Ausgabe 37/2018


Wenn deutlich über 70 % aller Marken weltweit und über 90 % aller Marken in Europa für ihre Zielgruppen nicht mehr relevant sind, dann ist dies mehr als alarmierend. Dennoch wird die Markenführung insbesondere von

Value Statements

Klare, differenzierende, sinnstiftende Werteversprechen sind mittlerweile zu einem ökonomisch relevanten Erfolgs- und Image-Faktor geworden. Denn Öffentlichkeit, Kunden, Verbraucher, Bürger, Mitarbeiter u.a. Stakeholder fordern es zunehmend: zu wissen, für welche Werte Organisationen stehen, und zu sehen,


Erfolgreiche Markenführung transformiert die Marken-Identität in ein konsistentes Erleben der Marken an den internen (Mitarbeiter) und externen Kontaktpunkten (wie Point of Sale, Events, Messen etc.). Wird dies vernachlässigt, hinterlässt die Marke einen eher diffusen, flüchtigen

Get Prepared

New digital technologies and AI (artificial intelligence), global trends and crises are having a far-reaching impact on the economy, society, the world of work and the expectations, needs and behavior of customers (B2B and B2C).

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Brand Coaching
für Gründer

Die Bildung einer attraktiven, relevanten und wettbewerbsdifferenzierenden Marke (Identität) ist in der Gründungsphase genauso wichtig wie der Businessplan oder die Finanzierung.
Denn die Marke beantwortet die alles entscheidende Frage für den künftigen Erfolg: Warum sollen die adressierten Kunden die Produkte oder Services dieses neuen Start-Ups kaufen. Wir kennen die Phase des Gründens und bieten deshalb ein speziell auf Gründer zugeschnittenes Brand Coaching an.

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Brand Coaching
für Künstler

Künstler sind Künstler sind Künstler. Was zählt ist das Werk. Doch die Bedeutung einer Marke für den künstlerischen Erfolg ist unbestritten.
Viele Künstler fokussieren sich jedoch allein auf einen Aspekt der Künstler-Marke: die eindeutige, wiedererkennbare Handschrift …

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„Your brand is what other people say about you when you´re not in the room” (Jeff Bezos)

Personal Branding – Ihr Erfolg im digitalen Zeitalter

Es ist unmöglich, nicht zu kommunizieren. Innerhalb weniger Sekunden machen wir uns ein Bild von unserem Gegenüber. Zudem braucht es in unserer unüberschaubaren Anbietervielfalt ein klares, starkes Profil, um zu überzeugen, erfolgreich Aufträge zu akquirieren, Vertrauen zu schaffen. Nicht der Lebenslauf, erst Ihre Personen-Marke gibt ein Versprechen in die Zukunft. Deshalb interessieren sich mittlerweile Start-Ups, Selbständige, Künstler, Geschäftsführer und Personalabteilungen für Personal Branding. Nutzen Sie unseren innovativen methodischen Ansatz für Ihren Erfolg!

Kontakt für Coaching und Inhouse Seminare: Christine Riedmann-Streitz, contact@markenfactory.com